Vinyl Van wrap for Northeast Control. The van was wrapped in a silk black and neon green logos and gloss black text were applied.
“An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it.”
Technology has transformed business communication from email to the internet. While written communication is often digital, print design is typically seen first by potential customers. Let me help you make an impression.
In today’s competitive world, it is imperative that your business presence stands out in the crowd. The best way to do that is by creating something which people can recognize in the horde of competition. This is where graphic design services come into the picture.
Graphic design services we offer:
Corporate Branding / Logos Stationery
(business cards, letterheads, envelopes, mailing labels)Brochures
Postcards / Mailers Invitations / Cards Collateral Material
(direct mail packages, press/media kits, product/service catalogs, trade show materials & displays)Newsletters / Flyers / Brochures
Presentation Folders
Vehicle Decals / Stickers
Posters, Banners & Signs
Photo Manipulation
Vinyl Banners
Social Media Designs
Manuals / Catalogs
Logo created for new sailing school in Norwalk, CT.
Page from a catalog designed for an off-road parts and accessory company.
“You can have an art experience in front of a Rembrandt… or in front of a piece of graphic design.”
– Stefan Sagmeister
Business Cards
The business card represents your company’s brand. Not only does it convey important personal contact information such as name, title, email, website, address, and phone number, but oftentimes it is also the first exposure to the overall image of the business. The company logo is prominently displayed for brand identity. The fonts used, color, texture, and paper stock used also convey a message about the type of industry represented. The business card reflects the personality of the company and gives the first impression.
Sounds expensive? ET3 Media can provide you with design as well as printing. We offer some of the lowest prices available for business cards online.
Business card design for Venus Power Com Supply. Client wanted to introduce blue into their color palette as we begin a rebrand.
Die-cut sticker designed as a giveaway for an event in Virginia.
“If you do good work for good clients, it will lead to other good work for other good clients. If you do bad work for bad clients, it will lead to other bad work for other bad clients.” – Michael Bierut